Women, Strength, Faith: a celebration through sound

Trubys Garden Tearoom MK has brought women from different faiths together to perform a new choral piece of music about motherhood and friendship. Composed by musician Jovana Backovic who is working with the choir, the piece will have its debut at Trubys Great Get Together Iftaar at Christ the Cornerstone on 2 April.
The Great Get Together Iftaar celebrates the Islamic festival of Ramadan, but people from all faiths and no faiths are welcome. Ramadan is a time when Muslim people fast during the day, and host a ceremony a meal at sundown called Iftaar, when the fast is opened.
Trubys, a Muslim women led interfaith café, wanted to celebrate friendship and religious similarities through a music project. With a grant from Milton Keynes City Council, Trubys was able to employ Jovana, who has created an original piece for voices. The choir has been meeting regularly since the start of the year.
Kurshida Mirza, founder of Trubys says: ‘we have been delighted to work with someone as talented as Jovana on this very special project. Through music, Jovana has responded to stories of important women from the scriptures. She has interwoven these stories so that they show the similarities between the religions, and has also given them enough space to remain individual. Jovana’s great personality has helped the group to gel very well, and her skill as a musician has taken the work beyond our expectations’.
On the 2 April Jovana will lead and accompany the choir on piano and the daff (drums). Everyone is welcome to attend and the event is free. However, booking is essential – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/great-get-together-iftaar-2023-tickets-547759692987