
AHA-MK Update

Mandy Legg has had to step down as Chair of AHA-MK.

Mandy did some brilliant work for us during her tenure, but on balance decided that the potential conflict of interest with her role as a Councillor, and demands on her time generally weren’t viable in the long term. Our Vice Chair Emma Courtney will act as Interim Chair until a new Chair is recruited.

If anyone would like a copy of the Chair advertisement, or an informal chat about the role, please feel free to contact Emma via emma@courtneyconsulting.co.uk.

We’re postponing our AGM, but we’ll be in touch with a new Spring date soon.

We’d like to sincerely thank Mandy for her trusteeship, on behalf of all the AHA-MK team, trustees and members.

Annual General Meeting

***Postponed until Spring, new date to be announced***

If you’d like to attend, please fill out this short form.